Directed by John Maclean.
Starring Kôki, Tim Roth, Jack Lowden, Takehiro Hira.
Thriller, UK, 90 minutes, Certificate TBC.
Released in the UK by Lionsgate - Date TBC
Reviewed as part of Glasgow Film Festival 2025
It has been a long wait for audiences impressed by John Maclean’s neo-western SLOW WEST to see what he would come up with next. Now, ten years later he returns with TORNADO, an eighteenth century set tale of pursuit and revenge as a young Japanese puppeteer runs into a bloodthirsty gang of thieves in what appears to be the Highlands of Scotland. Once again, like his debut film, we are caught up in the adventures of a young woman in a strange land, made stranger to its native audience through historical detail, and once again this is an entertaining romp where the blood of morally sketchy characters is spilled in an offbeat manner.
Beginning with a title card telling the audience that the following takes place in “The British Isles” in 1759, the titular character runs through the trees trying to hide from Tim Roth’s Sugar, leader of a gang of cutthroats that includes his son Little Sugar, played by Jack Lowden, who is noticeably taller than his father. This is perhaps just one element of the resentment that Little Sugar has for his father and his followers. It soon transpires through flashback that Tornado has come into possession of the gang's recently stolen gold as well as having resentment against her own father, a puppeteer who has left his country and samurai past behind him. Of course tragedy ensues and Tornado is forced to flee across the dreich landscape to survive and gain revenge against her pursuers.
Like SLOW WEST, at the centre of events is a young woman cast adrift against a villainous clan. The period trappings are also similar but this is a smaller film. Perhaps due to budget constraints, the locations are limited. The story that plays out across these three locations is predictable as ever, despite the interesting wrinkles that Maclean sprinkles in among his characters. Also playing out on a limited scale is the film's action which is sloppily executed, lacking none of the often lightning fast execution and clean cuts that can be found in samurai cinema from which the film no doubt takes its influences. Although special mention should be made for an instant of bloodshed that matches anything in the LONE WOLF AND BABY CART series in terms of arterial spray.
The film is more successful with its characters, particularly Tim Roth’s weary portrayal of a tired out gang leader. He pretty much walks away with the film, although there is a seriously impressive cast to be found here. Takehiro Hira, fresh from his memorable turn in SHOGUN as well as a clutch of collaborations with Takashi Miike, makes for an impressive sight wielding a samurai sword in a Highland forest while Joanne Whalley makes a welcome return to the screen as the dignified leader of a troupe of performing artists. Playing against type, Jack Lowden makes an impressive fist of playing on the villains team this time in a turn that is not showy but all the more memorable for it. Making her debut as Tornado, songwriter and model Kôki has her work cut out for her in playing with and standing up to such a formidable cast but acquits herself well.
While it may be a tad compromised in terms of scope and its underdeveloped storyline it is still refreshing to see a Scottish genre film with this much ambition make it to the screen. Robbie Ryan’s accomplished cinematography captures the landscape in such a way that the chilly atmosphere emanates from the screen giving the film a unique look and atmosphere that deserves to be seen on as big a screen as possible. While it may not fire on all cylinders, when it does TORNADO stands out as its own unique beast.
Iain MacLeod